Image is for illustration only and should not be relied upon Honeywell RF2 Wireless Pack 1

Honeywell RF2 Wireless Pack 1

Ex VAT: £165.36
HCO Code: 02B00
Availability:  Ordered on Request

The RF2 Pack One from Honeywell includes a single channel timeswitch with a DT92E wireless thermostat. The timeswitch has the receiver for the wireless thermostat built-in so no extra installation of the receiver is required.

Ideal for systems with no thermostat.

The ST timeswitch / receiver will replace any of the following with no change to backplate or wiring:
Honeywell ST6100A (ST6100A1001) ST6100C (ST6100C1009) ST9100A (ST9100A1008) ST9100C (ST9100C1006)

Honeywell part number: Y9120H2009

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